What is your Style Personality among the 12 types

What is your STYLE PERSONALITY? A list of different personality types and attitudes according to the fashion styles - find your fashion type

Though the terms fashion and style are often used together, and sometimes even interchangingly, both words are distinctive. Fashion refers to the popular trends, types, and designs of clothes that are prevalent at a particular time. But style is your personal choice among all of these.

After considering the fashion of the times, you can zero in on your personal style and choose clothes that go with your distinctive personality, values and tastes.

The fashion that you follow and your sense of style reflects your attitude. If there are hundreds of fashion styles, they all have their base on the attitude and the personality of the people wearing them. Whatever your fashion, your attitude defines it, and completes it.

which is your style personality

If you are true to yourself, you get to express your unique identity and personal taste through your clothes. Here is a classification of the best of these attitudes and the personalities that inherently contain these attitudes.

Which style personality would you say is yours?

Your Style-Personality

1. Trans-positive  / Gender Fluid

fashion persona of gender fluid individual

When you choose your clothes without considering your gender, you are confirming that you have this attitude. Under a trans-positive influence, Menswear becomes more and more feminine and womenswear masculine. 

Young Rapper and actor Jaden Smith is doing his thing and flaunting this attitude willy-nilly. Check out the article where you can see the many times he has done it here

Read more about Androgynous outfits and style here.

2. Sophisticated

sophisticated dressing style

A sophisticate is a person who is very cultured and classy. The fashion of this person aims to maintain an elegant, well dressed image with luxury fashion brands and haute couture dressing, without in any way going overboard. She will take minute care of presenting herself with utmost perfection.  

3. Non-conformist

non conformist in fashion personality

A non-conformist is a person with a unique attitude in life and values his individuality too much to sacrifice it for anything. If your attitude is this in life, it must translate to your fashion as well. Goth, rockabilly and other alternative styles all follow a non-conformist attitude.

Hippies, grunge, goth, punk – there are many fashion aesthetics that cater to a non-confirmist personality.

4. Smart

smart looking in dressing style personality

You always want to be very comfortable with anything you wear. You are casual, confident, and daring in your fashion style, but at the same time, your outfits are simple, elegant, and well coordinated. In the end, you look well dressed and put together without excessive skin show or over-made-up looks.
A preppy fashion style defines this smart outlook toward fashion.

5. Conservative

modest conservative fashion

This attitude of strictness and prudishness translates to wearing modest clothes. Traditional and conventional are other names similarly used. Religious ideologies like that of Muslim women, conservative Christian and Orthodox Jewish women, etc., may be behind this attitude and the clothing styles that follow it.

Modest fashion is a representation of this attitude and celebrates covered up fashions. Check out more on this here.

6. Unkempt/careless

dont care attitude in fashion

The word unkempt means ‘not combed’ – with this attitude, you absolutely are the opposite of a neat well-groomed style. This untidy ‘wild child attitude’ is mostly combined with faded jeans, loose clothing, untidy hair and an attitude of revolt. 

7. Adventurous


If you are innovative and do not mind experimenting with fashion or what is sure to come in the near future you are adventurous. When you are adventurous people may call your clothes outlandish, but you do not care. You know this will be the norm soon enough. 

8. Retro

retro loving personality

Opposite of the futuristic attitude. You like to live in the past and bring on all the style elements of yesteryears into your garments. You are not alone. Wearing vintage clothing is a passion of many. There sure are rules to follow as you will find here.

9. Bargain Hunter

A bargain hunter refuses to pay the full retail price for anything. It is a psychological attitude towards money and carries over to your fashion style as well. You will refuse to buy outfits which are not value for money – you are very price conscious. You do not blindly follow fashion but may settle for classics which you can wear again and again year after year. Buying things that last is a positive attribute of this attitude.

10. Ultra feminine

feminine all girly fashion personality

When you cannot think beyond candy pinks and pretty dresses in fashion, this attitude is responsible.

The styles that represent this attitude are Kawai, Lolita and a girly fashion style.

11. Avant-Garde

avante grade fashion personality

If you like to push all boundaries in your quest for finding your style you have an Avante Garde attitude. In essence, it is a radical artistic attitude emphasized with monochrome colors and minimalistic styling that permeates all things in life, not just fashion. Aesthetics and functional aspects are combined in the style that emerges from this attitude. 

12. Anti-fashion


An attitude of not caring for fashion at all; the attitude of rebellion against the overly fashionable. Underdressing is the key here. Minimalism rules. Read more about this attitude here

Ask these questions to know more about your personal style

Which celebrities, fashion icons, or influencers inspire your style?

You are always drawn to celebrities and icons who dress in the style that you prefer.

How do you want to feel when you’re wearing an outfit that you feel matches your personality?

You should feel confident and happy in clothes that expresses your personality.

What is the silhouette that you like ?

Do you have a particular dress silhouette that you are always attracted to in all the stores that you shop in.

What is your go-to accessory – that which you cannot do without?

If you have or if you do not have a favourite accessory, it can say a thing or two about your style. Fashion accessories are a big part of your style. Ask yourself whether you like statement pieces or subtle ones or none at all.

Do you prefer casual clothes or formal ones?

This answer can depend on the occassion and also on the personality.

Think about a favourite clothing – what comes to your mind?

Count the features that you like and want in other clothes.

By answering these questions, you can get to know your personal style preferences. This can help you better understand and define your style personality.


Related Post : 40 popular Fashion subcultures ; Fashion Terminology

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Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

5 thoughts on “What is your Style Personality among the 12 types”

  1. Very good resume of Fashion Styles – I seem to fit into about five!!! but overall as I am a Londoner living in London I define my style as City Casual – that is smart, comfortable, with prettiness in prints and colours when I can find them , and an English classic style in coats. I love fashion as you may be able to tell. Obviously for formal occasions, cruises, weddings, I can change my style upwards and I love to do that.

  2. so happy i found you! now retired wo need for designer style suits and evening wear, im excited to experiment and learn new things.
    soon to move out of the US to some exotic place and dreaming of designing new fashions.

    thank you for giving us this amazong site.

  3. I enjoyed this is valuable information, also I learned that I I am a bargain hunter. Recently I was looking for a winter jacket and went to many stores but I could not pick any single one. Mostly I did not like them but I see almost everybody wearing that type jacket, may be for the fashion trend for this year. Also I did not want to pay the high price for the famous brand . Any way finally I decided I will make one for myself. I took fashion designer courses many years ago but unfortunately I could not afford the time to become a fashion designer. Finally it turned out I am constantly altering everybody’s clothes in my family including mine. I am fortunate enough to find out your Sew Guide Web site.
    Thank you

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