Comments on: Patiala pant : Sewing pattern & tutorial (Make the Punjabi Pants) Sewing Patterns, tips, Tutorials, Fashion designing tips, fabric guides and Clothing stories Tue, 30 May 2023 09:29:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tue, 30 May 2023 09:29:49 +0000 Hi! Thanks for the tutorial; it’s very clear. There’s one thing I’m wondering about, though: why does the leg need to be cut in three different pieces (front, back, side) that are then joined together, and not as just one big triangular-ish piece where you’d only need to fold it in half and then only stitch it at the inseam? Most Asian patterns seem to advise the three- or two-piece method but Western ones (for loose trousers like these, that is) are likelier to suggest cutting the leg as one piece without a side seam, so I guess I’m more used to the latter? Thanks!
