Make a really big BOW (2 ways – with or without sewing)

Different methods to make a large bow - No sew way & sewing method for making giant bows

how to make a giant bow

Big bows look beautiful. There is no denying that. They are used in inumerous ways – on dresses, on bags, on Christmas trees, on presents, to bring on a quaint charm or a striking look.They do stand out, because of their size as well as their beauty. 

You can make a giant bow in 2 ways . The No-sew method and the sew method. Whichever way you choose, the secret of a beautifully large bow that hold its shape is interfacing. If you donot use interfacing and if you have a loose weave / medium weave fabric the bow will look lifeless. With interfacing (iron on) the bow will have the needed stability and stay upright. No more droopy big bows. If you donot like the look of interfacing, choose a stiff fabric for making large bows.  

No sew method of making the bow 

Cut out the fabric pieces 

Decide on the width of the bow you want and the length.

A rough calculation for the pieces for the large bow 

Cut a piece of fabric –  width of the bow you want  * 3 = length of the fabric. This is an approximate calculation. If you want long tails you can increase the length. 

Here I am taking 16 inch wide fabric . so have taken 48 inch long fabric. (You can increase or decrease this according to length of the bow you want or the tails )

Cut the interfacing ; width = 1/2 of the width of the bow fabric ; length = same as the bow fabric ( or lesser if you want the tails to be floppy rather than stiff ; in which case the length of interfacing should be taken as the width of the bow only and should be adhered to the middle of the bow fabric)

how to make a big bow

Keep the interfacing in the middle of the bow fabric, sticky side up. 

make a giant bow

Bring down the side edge of the bow fabric to the middle. Press with an iron so that the interfacing will adhere to the turned fabric

make a large bow for christmas

Do the same for the other side

make a big bow for dresses

You have the bow fabric interfaced and ready to be tied.

how to make a giant bow

Fold the piece by the middle. Tie a string some distance from the fold. I have taken it as 8″ which is half the width of the bow I want. 

large bow diy tutorial

Open up the fold as in the picture below

giant bow on presents

Open up the tail pieces as well

large bow diy

Now tie the bow in the middle with another string

Make a big bow

You need another fabric piece to conceal the middle string. Fold a small piece of fabric (edges to the middle ) . Use this piece to tie around the center of the bow. Glue in place ( this is a no-sew bow otherwise I would have said ‘stitch in place’, which is what I would prefer). If it is for  a christmas tree or something you can use a pin to hold the piece in place

making a large bow

tutorial for making a large bow


Make a large Bow – sewing method

For this bow you have to cut 3 pieces for the bow  and then another long strip for the tails.

One piece is for the front of the bow. This should be taken 1″ all around more than what you want the bow to be.

Here I have taken a piece of fabric of width 14 inch and length 20 inch. This will make a bow of about 13 inch width and 20 inch length. 

making a large bow tutorial

Interface the backside of this fabric. Press with hot iron so that the interfacing is fixed in place

 Take 2 more fabric pieces with the dimensions . Width = 14 inch ( same as the earlier piece) length – half of the bow fabric length + 1/2 inch.


Take these two back pieces, stack them together and stitch along one edge ( the 14 inch edge) leaving a 2 inch gap in the middle unstitched

how to make a big bow

Open this up. Press the seam allowance open. You will get a small hole in the middle of the seam.

Keep this piece on top of the  bow top fabric, both rightsides together. Pin in place and stitch along the outside edge with a 1/2 inch seam allowance


how to make a giant bow

Clip the corner seam allowance – for neat turning

how to make a giant bow

Turn the bow piece inside ou through the hole in the seam.

how to make a big bow

Make the tails. You can use large ribbons as tails. Use more than  two tails if you have narrow ones.

To make the tails with fabric, Take a long piece of fabric for the tails( if you want tails) the width should be double the width of the final tails and length should be double the length you want for each tail. 

diy tutorial to make a giant bow

Fold the fabric by the center ( right sides inside) . Stitch the side edges together ; donot stitch 2 inch in the middle of this strip. After you have sewn from the edges , turn the strip inside out

Alternatively you can cut the ends of the tails at an angle for a different look. 

how to make a large bow

how to make a giant bow - diy tutorial

Use a string to tie the bow by the middle. Tie the tails as well in the back. Then use a fabric strip as used earlier to conceal the tie. 

how to make a giant bow

Check out the post on “How to tie a bow on a Dress

tie a sash bow

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Photo of author
Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Make a really big BOW (2 ways – with or without sewing)”

  1. Thnks lot…i hv spent close to 2hours looking at many of your tutorials especially kids dresses…they r very lovely…..nd easy to follow. Keep it up…loveeeee!

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