Sew a Jeans Top – Step by Step Sewing tutorial

Here is a sewing pattern and step by step instruction to sew a simple and easy JEANS TOP with a ruffle sleeve

Jeans and a nice top – how many of us have anything other this on our minds when we think of an everyday outfit ? Here is a sewing tutorial to sew such a ‘nice top’ to wear day in and day out. You just need 2 meters of fabric and some free time and of course your sewing tools

jeans top sewing pattern

Sewing Pattern & Tutorial for a Jeans Top.

Step 1 Take body measurements

You need to take the body measurement around your bust, around your hip, around your armscye, around your arms where the sleeve (the top part and not the ruffle) ends, the length you need for your (top part) sleeve and the length of the ruffle. You can skip the ruffles if you do not want it.

Step 2 Cut the pattern pieces

Fold 2 fabric pieces of length 26 inches by the middle and mark the pattern.

jeans top sewing pattern

jeans top sewing pattern

You can change the armscye measurement as per your  body measurement. Cut the back slightly longer or front shorter if you want to but ensure that the side edges are the same length.

Sleeve pattern -cut two

jeans top sewing tutorial

 The bottom edge of the sleeve can be changed according to your body measurement..

Ruffle pattern – cut two.

jeans top sewing instructions

Step 3 Sew the back opening.

On the back a slit opening of about 4 1/2 inches has to be made and it will be fastened with a button and a thread loop.

jeans top

Keep a fabric piece of about 6 inches length and 4 inches wide (facing) and keep it on the center of the back bodice. Align the center of the two and pin in place.

jeans top

Mark a straight slit of 4 inches or so. Mark two lines 1/4 inches from the center line coming to meet the center line at the bottom tip. This is your stitching line. Sew through that line ( Do not sew on the center line at all). When you reach the end (tip) make a stitch or two across and then continue sewing to the top.

Cut through the center line carefully – ensuring that you cut till the very tip. Flip the facing to the back.

jeans top sewing pattern

Trim the facing to about an inch around the slit. Fold and sew in place at the back. You may want to baste stitch before sewing with the machine or simply hand stitch it in place.

Step 4 Join bodices

Sew the two bodices together – front and back together, at the shoulder.

jeans top

Step 5 Sew the ruffles to the sleeve

Finish the hem of the ruffle piece.Keep the piece on top of the sleeve and stitch together. You will have to gather the ruffle piece by the center.

Either gather beforehand or gather as you sew. If you are gathering as you sew, ensure that you join the either sides with no gather first and then sew the gather. Pinning helps. Here are some gathering tips.

jeans top sewing

jeans top how to sew

The finished sleeve will look like this – the length looks slightly more elongated in the picture.

Step 5

Join the sleeves to the bodice.

how to sew a jeans top

Step 6 Hem the bottom edges

You can finish the hem of the front and back by using a baby hem method. This is ideal gently curving hems.

sewing a jeans top

Step 7 Sew the side seams

Step 8 Bind the neckline

But before that sew a stay stitching line along the neckline edge to prevent the neckline gaping.

Finish the neckline – cut a bias binding tape and sew the binding.

sewing tutorial for jeans top

jeans top

I kept the binding a little to the outside making a faux piping along the neckline edge . You can find tutorial to do real piping here.

Step 8 Sew the fastener on the back opening

jeans top

Sew a button and a thread loop for the button or use elastic thread as the button loop.

Finito. Now go and checkout more Free women’s clothes patterns.


Photo of author
Hi, I love sewing, fabric, fashion, embroidery, doing easy DIY projects and then writing about them. Hope you have fun learning from sewguide as much as I do. If you find any mistakes here, please point it out in the comments.

12 thoughts on “Sew a Jeans Top – Step by Step Sewing tutorial”

  1. hello
    this is a beautiful top and i really want to try my hand on it……but can you please elaborate on the labellings of the patterns like AJ is full length of top etc so that it becomes easier for me.
    Thank you.

  2. Beautiful! I love your choice of fabric. Perfect for a nice walk around town; jeans & some cute flats while window shopping! Thanks for sharing!

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